
A Fire Seven Miles Outside of Jerusalem

Day 68 Today’s Reading: Luke 24 It’s resurrection morning for Jesus. All of the Gospels highlight Jesus’ post-resurrection conversations with His disciples and followers, but only Luke highlights a conversation that happened seven miles outside of Jerusalem. To put it another way, a fire started seven miles outside of Jerusalem. No building burst into flames.

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Just Breathe

Day 67 Today’s Reading: Luke 23 Today we come to the last solemn minutes of Jesus’ life on the cross. It is His final comment from the cross that catches my attention. It is a prayer but goes further than up. That prayer goes wide. Let’s read Jesus’ final words before He breathed His last

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Plotting Satan and Praying Christ

Day 66 Today’s Reading: Luke 22 In today’s reading we are entering into Luke’s telling of the Passion Week. While Jesus is with His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, He speaks some remarkable words to Peter, which will be important to all of us, because it is what Jesus does right now for every

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No Noise Offerings

Day 65 Today’s Reading: Luke 21 When I begin to think about what Jesus can see, I am amazed. Consider these: • Jesus sees the past. In John 1, He tells Nathaniel the day he was under a fig tree.• Jesus sees the future. He prophesies in John 21 about Peter’s death.• Jesus sees into

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